Monday, September 27, 2010

Smoking ithe worst addiction

If you have the twisted veins and you expend the required amount of life savings towards your health in an aggressive untested CCVSI procedure. why would you continue to smoke tobacco? Makes no sense to me. Quit now please. "How?" you question.
Simple. Just walk away. Or roll if CCVSI did not do as you fully expected. Dispose of that pack of cigarettes in an environmentally friendly way, toss those smokeless products far into the proper landfills and QUIT SMOKING! Let the procedure work to the best of its' ability. I know. It is easy for me to say It is not really all that easy. 5 years and 6 months later, I still feel the urge for a cigarette. Regardless of ability or lack thereof QUIT NOW! Kids don't start! GAWD I NEED ONE NOW! QUIT IT!
Smoking increases multiple sclerosis progression: Report
Oh yea. OK the urge does pass fast. That darn MonSter is bothered by tobacco smoke. It loves Marijuana smoke though. That also has been shown to be a common factor in newly diagnosed patients; that darn addiction to tobacco. Marijuana use increses the longer one has lived with the MonSter. I often wonder if tobacco contributed to the way my life turned out. Well, you know... Come to think of it, we all quit everything one day someday :) Be well as you travel through time with us

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